Network Penetration Testing

With nearly 20 years of unwavering dedication, Leviathan Security Group has been at the forefront of safeguarding organizations against digital threats. From startups to Fortune 10 companies, we’ve consistently delivered robust network security solutions tailored to each client’s unique requirements.

Network Security Strategies for Modern Organizations

Companies today face an ongoing battle against the ever-present threat of data breaches. Whether originating from external attackers or insiders with malicious intent, these breaches can have severe consequences. According to the 2020 “Cost of Data Breach” report by IBM, approximately 52% of breaches result from deliberate attacks. These incidents come at a significant cost, with each breach averaging a total of $3.86 million.


Web applications and networks are susceptible to infiltration through various means, and hacking techniques continually evolve. However, many organizations, especially smaller ones, struggle to keep pace with the shifting security landscape. Maintaining a holistic view of network and application health becomes challenging due to limited resources and competing priorities.

Strategies to enhance network security

External Penetration Testing

Organizations can supplement their internal testing efforts by conducting external penetration testing. This involves simulating authorized attacks on systems to identify weaknesses during runtime.

Penetration testers adopt the perspective and techniques of hackers, using methods such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Software Composition Analysis (SCA), architecture risk analysis, and threat modeling.

This thorough testing methodology provides a comprehensive understanding of network and application vulnerabilities.

Manual Testing and Automation

Manual testing in a real-world-like environment helps uncover critical vulnerabilities. Penetration testers focus on high-risk areas that real attackers would target first.

Automated tools play a supporting role by scanning code, applications, and networks. They help identify common vulnerabilities and ensure consistent coverage.

Runtime Vulnerability Identification

Penetration testing allows developers to identify and rectify vulnerabilities during the final stages of development or post-deployment.

By addressing weaknesses proactively, organizations reduce the risk of exploitation and enhance overall security posture.

Comprehensive Reporting

The benefit of penetration testing lies in its detailed vulnerability and risk reporting. Organizations gain actionable insights to prioritize remediation efforts effectively.

Key Phases of Penetration Testing with Leviathan

Reconnaissance (Recon)

In this initial phase, we gather information from both public and private sources. Our goal is to create an attack surface map by identifying potential vulnerabilities. This includes understanding the network architecture, services, and systems in scope.


Following reconnaissance, we manually verify our findings through discovery and scanning. We examine the target system for weaknesses, such as misconfigurations, unpatched software, and open-source vulnerabilities. This phase helps us identify specific entry points for exploitation.


At this critical stage, our experts leverage appropriate tools and tactics to gain unauthorized access. We exploit weaknesses discovered during the previous phases. Examples include SQL injection, weak authentication mechanisms, or poorly configured hosts.


The final phase involves maintaining access to the compromised system. We stay connected long enough to assess the impact of a breach. This may include data corruption, exfiltration of sensitive information, or manipulation of system functions.

When engaging with any firm, it is crucial to prioritize data protection and responsible handling.

Test Data Disposal

Firms should promptly dispose of test data after its intended use. This ensures that sensitive information does not linger unnecessarily, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Restricted Sharing

Testing results should be shared exclusively with authorized personnel. Limiting access ensures that sensitive findings remain confidential and are not inadvertently exposed.

Comprehensive Logging

Maintaining detailed logs about data access is essential. In the event of a compromised host or network, these logs provide critical insights for investigation and remediation.

Leviathan’s Approach

Our organization adheres to a robust data classification and disposal program. We categorize data based on sensitivity, implement stringent access controls, and regularly review our disposal procedures.

Data Protection and Disposal

Picking the right firm for penetration testing involves considering several factors, as numerous vendors exist. No matter who you choose, they ought to provide real-world experience, have secure processes, and support full compliance with security regulations.

Most importantly though, they should maintain a combination of manual and automated testing styles with a flexible testing model that mandates hands-on-keyboard validation of any vulnerabilities identified during any previous phases.

It is impossible to stress this enough: A scanner cannot and will not tell you whether a human can break into your computers.

If you’re looking for an automated ”one and done” box check, Leviathan is not for you.

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